Part V: The Annunaki Strike Back by –daniel

Part 5 of the Anthropology Series on the “Hidden Origins of Homo Sapiens”

Grab your pickax and miner’s helmet and prepare to start digging through this paper, from the upper atmosphere down the core of the planet–and out the other side into the realm of 3D time. Discover the true nature of planetary interiors and the worlds that are hidden inside and beyond–all as a “natural consequence” of the structure of the universe.

This lengthy paper (44 pages) was two years in the making, focusing on the colonization of our world (originally known as Tiamat) by two, different races of extraterrestrials: the Cyclopeans (a term used by research George Hunt Williamson to describe a race of giants that existed prior to the Gods, discussed in Part IV of the Colonization of Tiamat) and the DINGAR, the Titan ancestors of the ANNUNA and ANNUNAKI–the modern “gods” of religion.

This paper includes many tidbits and gems, from the deliberately hidden mathematics of time, the land of the Little People and the actual location of Lemuria–no where near where you think it is! So, “ho ho ho” and let’s go…


Geoengineering-daniel blog

Take a walk with me as we embark on a journey into understanding geoengineering, chemtrails, HAARP, timelines, and the “science of ascension”.

The beginning of the paper is bit difficult as a layman trying to get your head around some of the physics concepts, BUTquickly past this, everything  falls into place with jaw dropping revelations of”physics” as not what our so called experts have told us, but rather the complete opposite and identified here by the “reciprocal system of theory”. Everything we know about how stars work is backwards. Hell, everything we know is BACKWARDS!

Discover what’s happening with our Sun, and as a natural consequence the critical hard choice of humanity’s collective. Shall we evolve into Homo Sapien Ethicus (ethical consciousness), or continue to  devolve to just plain Homo Saps….. (brain dead couch potatoes)


Click to download Geoengineering pdf

UPDATE RELEASED: Time and Timelines, where we continue our journey into the understanding  of the reciprocal relationship of space and time. We learn that by understanding “coordinate time“, we begin to realize how this works and how navigation through such relates too but differentiates as “Clock Time & Clock Space”.

We also begin to understand what is:

Precognition is nothing more than seeing something in the distance, in the temporal landscape.
Telepathy is two people standing next to each other in time chatting, regardless of how far apart they are in space.
Telekinesis is just manipulating the temporal component of an object with your temporal arm, and watching how “time changes space.”
Clairvoyance is a pair of temporal binoculars.
Clairaudience is yelling down the street at someone in the temporal landscape.
Clairalience is a barbecue in the temporal neighborhood.

Time and Timelines

Click to download Time and Timelines pdf