Tag Archives: Montauk


RubiChemOver the past couple of weeks, I’ve run across the word “Rubicon” a good number of times, right down to the title of last week’s “The 100” episode. I didn’t even know what the word meant, but since I can usually take a hint (when applied with a sledgehammer), I decided to look it up. What I found on dictionary.com was rather interesting:

…in phrase to cross (or pass) the Rubicon “take a decisive step,” 1620s, a reference to a small stream to the Adriatic on the coast of northern Italy which in ancient times formed part of the southern boundary of Cisalpine Gaul; crossed by Caesar Jan. 10, 49 B.C.E., when he left his province to attack Pompey.

Rubicon infers that some kind of irrevocable action was taken that made a significant change to the natural course of events. With my Montauk Project background in time and timelines, the first thing that occurred to me is that we’ve jumped tracks and are now locked on to a specific timeline heading towards the future. I am not sure as to what that path is, as I simply don’t have access to the resources provided by black budget projects that I did, 30 years ago. But then again, I am good friends with serendipity…

For those that have read my postings on the rs2daniel (formerly ConsciousHugs) forum, I’ve never been one to make dated predictions, but I do discuss general trends. One of the things that happened during the Phoenix III experiments was that we did encounter some kind of distortion, referred to as a “bump,” when temporal rotation had reached about 1.5 full cycles of Earth’s orbit, at the zero crossing. Earth’s cycle is like biorhythm that recurs every 20 years. This was in 1983, so it was estimated that something was going to happen around 2013. This, of course, was close to the famed Mayan “end date” of December 21, 2012, so that got connected with this phenomenon, even though the actual data indicated that the bump was not only later on (mid-2013), it also lasted longer. It was more like a “hill” in the timeline, than tripping over a string and causing instant, massive change. But nobody had any idea of what it was, nor what it meant.

The Rubicon references got me thinking about that again, as I sit here in the office watching the airplanes crisscrossing the sky, spraying toxic clouds of chemtrails that are slowly expanding to fill the once-blue background. I’ve been around for a while; shall we say, “as old as my nose, and a little older than my teeth” and I distinctly remember what the sun looked like when a child. It used to be deep yellow and nowhere near as bright. Heck, kids could stare at the sun for a few seconds without any repercussion–except for mom yelling at you to not look directly at the sun, under threat of “no desert tonight!” These days, you can’t even glance at the sun without frying your eyeballs out, and it looks white–not yellow. It also looks physically larger to me, but that could be a consequence of the scattering of light from all the chemtrail particles in the upper atmosphere. It may also account for the spectral shift, but with the intensity of that light source, I would think it unlikely, as it does not change on the few chemtrail-free days we have. And have you noticed the rainbows? When they are arching high in the sky, the colors are wrong–heck, I’ve even seen magenta in them, which isn’t even in the ROY-G-BIV spectrum.

And then there is the weather… early February in Utah, the temperatures reached 70F–consistently–and the temps are still up in the 60s. Trees are budding, soon to put out leaves. One hard frost, and it’s “goodbye” apples and grapes. So the only major environmental factor I’ve run across is this climate shift–and I believe that is what the Rubicon references are hinting at–our climate situation has “gone past the point of no return.” We’re stuck with chemtrails now. If they were to stop spraying, the intensity of the sun would turn the northern hemisphere into a desert in short order. And we’re talking weeks, not years.

And it does seem to be the northern hemisphere, as the southern hemisphere is actually cooling down, most likely because TPTB did not waste their resources protecting ocean and jungle, and focused on the heavily inhabited areas. So life in the tropics and southern hemisphere actually got to go through the “upgrade” process that I described in my original paper on Geoengineering.

One of my favorite lines in the Sci-Fi series, Babylon 5, is General Smits comment to Sheridan at the onset of Nightwatch takeover of the station, “Now, if you’ve got a problem I suggest you look upon this as an opportunity, not a burden.” I’m stuck here in the northern hemisphere, just like billions of others–but with one difference–I have a basic understanding of what is going on around me. And I also believe that nothing happens by accident, so I am at this place and time for a reason, and it is an opportunity to learn and grow, perhaps in a different direction than the default process that is going on in the southern hemisphere.

So now it is time to collect some data, switch on the Bubble-Headed Booby (my dual-monitor desktop) and see what this cataclysmic chemtrail catastrophe can actually provide for learning and growth. With regards to Dr. Zachary Smith…

signed, the Neanderthal Ninny.

Update: Fixed a typeo, which I corrected on the original post on Antiquatis, but forgot to fix here; it was supposed to be 1.5 cycles, as the bump occurred during at a zero crossing.

I did a diagram of it, years ago, just after I ran across Larson and was trying to figure it out. Done on an Amiga 500, back in 1996, so the graphics aren’t the best:


Where’s the Kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-Shattering Kaboom!

TrinityBombSiteRevealedLast June on the Antiquatis Forum there was an interesting discussion on nuclear weapons concerning if the nuclear tests had actually been faked by the major governments.  I’ve done contract work for nuclear power plants, so I’ve seen nuclear power in action–but making lots of hot water from atomic fission is not the same as a nuclear explosion.

The question arose in response to a paper put out by Miles Mathis titled, “The Bikini Atoll Nuclear Tests Were Faked,” which went on to demonstrate, through publicly available records, the many inconsistencies in the tests. LoneBear’s RS2  analysis was quite interesting, describing how nuclear fission works in the Reciprocal System (which has a different structure to the atom):

Chain reactions are based on the atom being composed of protons and neutrons, where the impact of ONE neutron kicks out TWO others, to cause the cascade. Though the number of neutrons would double, each would have only half the energy of the one impacting the nucleus, which means neither of those emitted neutrons will probably have enough energy to repeat the process.

But we DO have nuclear reactions that WORK in the Reciprocal System, because the model is different. The RS model has temporal rotation as its basis (the displacement being the “number of protons”), but NO neutrons, which are particles composed of a proton + antineutrino. No antineutrinos in the atomic rotating system, as they would be spatially-displaced in a temporal rotation. Space-to-time constitutes motion, so they would just move on through the atom, like electric current.

But the atom DOES have charged, electron neutrinos present, which is the value we use for the atomic mass unit (curious that the AMU is actually a particle mass unit). The proton has displacements of 1-1-(1) and the neutrino of 1/2-1/2-(1), so you can see that the proton is equivalent to TWO neutrino rotations, which leads to Larson’s mass formula of 2Z+G (twice the atomic number, the temporal displacement, plus the number of captured neutrinos, G).

So when you destroy an atom, you are converting some of the atomic rotation to LINEAR status, as kinetic energy. The drop in rotational speed means some of the captured neutrinos get set free and are carried away at the speed of light, to end up getting trapped in another atomic rotation, increasing it’s mass past the isotopic limit, causing it to convert some of it’s atomic rotation to linear status, to get rid of the excess speed, liberating some more neutrinos… and the chain reaction runs for quite some time, since all the heavy elements like uranium are right on the threshold of the isotopic limit.

BUT… this chain reaction is a relatively SLOW process that moves through the atoms much like the magnetic version of heat (Larson actually calls the magnetic ionization level that causes atoms to enter fission, “magnetic temperature”). You don’t have a nuclear explosion, but nuclear combustion.

I realize that for most people, that explanation makes about as much sense as a bronto-crane visiting Cavern on the Green for dinner, but you don’t need to be Albert Einstone to realize that Nature’s version of a thermonuclear combustion is a star and a thermonuclear explosion is a supernova. For Nature to create that Earth-shattering kaboom, you need a stellar-sized mass, not a chunk of material the size of a basketball (or soccer ball, depending on where you live).

So why bother to fake it? In my own research into the mythology of the “gods,” I have run across many references that indicate these gods (the Dingar, also known as the Annuna, Annunaki or Olympians) were “arms dealers,” mining the resources of our world and making use of the human slave population to build and stockpile weapons (much like their descendants of today–like father, like son). And that included nuclear weapons. But when that sibling rivalry between ENLIL and ENKI got to the point of war, they used them on each other–leaving some nice, radioactive bald spots of smooth, fused green glass on the planet. So it appears that these gods had functioning, nuclear weapons, and for some reason, humanity has been unable to duplicate it in the modern era–if the evidence of “faked nuclear testing” is true. I believe it IS true, and I’ll tell you why…

Back in my early days of subcontracting for the aircraft industry, I was involved with a project to reverse-engineer what appeared to be a reactor core and anti-gravity propulsion system from a “foreign” device. (They never said UFO or ET… it was always “foreign technology.”) The elements at its core were stable transuranium elements (later identified as Element #115 by Bob Lazar, which we in the Scientific Underground nicknamed, “Lazarite”).

BigRedButtonThese reactors ran cold–unlike our superheating nuclear reactors. It only became dangerous when the “warp core,” as we called it, was shut down through accident, mishap, or pressing the big Red Button. (Whatever you do, do not press the Red Button!) Once the internal reactions ceased, the core became highly radioactive and would proceed into a nuclear meltdown–again, lots of heat, but no Earth-shattering kaboom.


Back then, we did not have a clue as to what was going on, nor how anyone could have gotten the material in the core and began the process without it rapidly decaying into radioactive dust. Twenty years later, thanks to some research put out by Dewey Larson that described “magnetic ionization” of atoms and how isotopic mass inverted when matter was accelerated past the speed of light (2Z-G), we were able to understand how these warp cores worked and what was needed to make one–an environment with a ZERO magnetic ionization level. With no magnetic ionization, all of the 117 elements defined in the Reciprocal System’s Periodic Table are stable, only becoming unstable when the magnetic ionization level is raised to 1 or more. These cores had to have been built in space–not on a planet that has magnetic ionization levels of unity or higher.

And that gave an interesting clue as to why nuclear explosions worked for the gods of old, but probably aren’t working today.

Our current magnetic ionization level is about 1 natural unit. Using Larson’s equations, that means all the elements from 92 on up will exhibit radioactive decay. But that wasn’t always the case. Back in the 1500s, the Earth underwent an “expansion event,” where the size of the planet increases slightly–well in that case, about 5000 miles in circumference (I explain in detail in “The Colonization of Tiamat, Part V,” coming soon to a website near you). This moves some continents around a bit and adds more ocean floor, but most importantly, the expansion events normally coincide with a decrease in magnetic ionization level. So prior to the 16th century, Earth had a level of 2, making gold the “uranium” of the day–and why the gods were after it.

U-236 and other elements near the 236 AMU boundary are at their “age limit,” as Larson describes it in his books. In other words, they have accumulated as much isotopic mass as they can handle without falling apart. In the Reciprocal System, there are two ways for an atom to “fall apart,” which also describe the two different types of supernova explosions witnessed by astronomers.

The first is the “thermal limit,” where things just get too hot and explode to release the heat. For example, the Blue giant stars (which are old stars–not young ones–remember astronomy is backwards).

The second is the “age limit,” where the vibrational mass exceeds the rotational mass, causing the more violent “age limit” detonation, as seen in other supernova. Age limit can occur at any time, since all it requires is some very old, heavy rocks. The thermal limit, however, requires a LOT of rocks of younger age, hence the 1st generation blue, supergiant stars.

This difference explains the nuclear weapon inconsistency between the days of the gods and today. With our current radioactive materials, they simply cannot get hot enough to “supernova,” because the age limit explosion will occur first, destroying the atom before the reaction can really get going. In the past when gold was the radioactive fuel of choice, the gold atoms had plenty of room to get good and hot (rotational mass of only 158, which is quite far from 236) and cross the thermal limit on a small scale, making a “less hot” but much faster burning reaction–an explosion. Like most fuels, the hotter it burns, the faster it is consumed, and fast consumption is required to produce the pressure necessary for the best bang since the big one.

WileE-NukeBut what of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Well, if there were “no nukes” then there is only one, obvious conclusion: certain factions of the Japanese government and military conspired with the United States to fake the explosions, seeding the area with large quantities of high explosives–which the aircraft set off with their bombs, giving the huge flame show now documented as a nuclear detonation. And if you look at the post-nuke consequences, one could not help but notice that the globally expanding Japanese empire came to a halt after that (Korea liberated, for example). There is a lot here that says, “Project Blue Beam.”

I submit for your perusal this Army photo of a soldier pointing at “Ground Zero,” the point directly below where the nuclear bomb went off.  Notice the extensive amount of radiation gear, including respirator and air tanks he used to keep from being killed by the now abundant radioactive fallout. Hey… wait a sec…


So there you have it–we have in our collective “race memory,” the images of the gods nuking cities and turning people into pillars of salt, using the POWER OF GOLD and why gold is associated with power. Our unconscious knows it CAN be done, even though it can no longer be done in our current magnetic environment. Enter the people that want power and control over the planet. What better hostage could they have than the World, itself, under the threat of nuclear destruction? As long as they could prey on those unconscious memories and make people believe they could do it with a lot of special effects, well, then you now control the biggest threat to life on the planet.

In closing, I would like you to ask yourself: if these devices actually worked, why would governments, whom are all paranoid over national security, put out so much information on how nuclear weapons work that a High School student could build one? One would think that their principle of operation would be one of the biggest kept secrets on the planet…

OliverScienceProjectPeople will make any sacrifice… life, liberty or happiness, for the security of a global government regulating possible nuclear destruction.

If you would like some followup, there is a very interesting video on the topic on YouTube (not the best quality, but I’ll take fascinating information over fancy effects, any day!)


Geoengineering-daniel blog

Take a walk with me as we embark on a journey into understanding geoengineering, chemtrails, HAARP, timelines, and the “science of ascension”.

The beginning of the paper is bit difficult as a layman trying to get your head around some of the physics concepts, BUTquickly past this, everything  falls into place with jaw dropping revelations of”physics” as not what our so called experts have told us, but rather the complete opposite and identified here by the “reciprocal system of theory”. Everything we know about how stars work is backwards. Hell, everything we know is BACKWARDS!

Discover what’s happening with our Sun, and as a natural consequence the critical hard choice of humanity’s collective. Shall we evolve into Homo Sapien Ethicus (ethical consciousness), or continue to  devolve to just plain Homo Saps….. (brain dead couch potatoes)


Click to download Geoengineering pdf

UPDATE RELEASED: Time and Timelines, where we continue our journey into the understanding  of the reciprocal relationship of space and time. We learn that by understanding “coordinate time“, we begin to realize how this works and how navigation through such relates too but differentiates as “Clock Time & Clock Space”.

We also begin to understand what is:

Precognition is nothing more than seeing something in the distance, in the temporal landscape.
Telepathy is two people standing next to each other in time chatting, regardless of how far apart they are in space.
Telekinesis is just manipulating the temporal component of an object with your temporal arm, and watching how “time changes space.”
Clairvoyance is a pair of temporal binoculars.
Clairaudience is yelling down the street at someone in the temporal landscape.
Clairalience is a barbecue in the temporal neighborhood.

Time and Timelines

Click to download Time and Timelines pdf