Tag Archives: daniel

The Powers That Were


Godzilla vs Zeus

For those of you who are already familiar with the “insider info” that I was providing to David Wilcock in the past, one of the premises I proceed from is that all the modern religions are just different views of the same, global religion. The most obvious root of this global religion comes from Sumeria, circa 4000 BCE, as a historical record of the colonization of the planet by the gods of old known as the ANNUNA, which translates to “the Sons of AN.”

AN (or ANU), himself, was one of the DIĜIR (Gods, Devas, Ás) predominantly known by the Greek name of Cronus or the Roman Saturn. He fathered the ANNUNA (the Olympian Gods) and referred to our world as KI (life, qi or ch’i), because it was just loaded with new life. Some of the ANNUNA took a liking to our world and decided to make it their permanent home, rather than drifting amongst the stars and were referred to as “the Sons of An on Earth”—the ANNUNAKI (Earth gods)—with the sky gods, those that preferred the colony ship keeping the original label of ANNUNA.

Because the ANNUNAKI had a vested interested in their new home, taking command as Planetary Princes (not Kings—AN was still considered the Ruler). 6000 years ago, the ANNUNAKI were the original masters of “The Powers That Be” (TPTB), ruling over the other intelligent life of the planet, from the IGIGI (the slaves brought by the ANNUNA from Azonei), the newly created genetic engineering marvel, humanity, and the native species consisting of homo neanderthalensis (Bigfoot, Sasquatch), their surviving predecessors and the L-Ms, the “Little Men” that included the now mythological races of dwarves, elves, trolls, goblins, faeries and the like. But there be no dragons here except for the gods, themselves, as these giants were saurian in appearance, often described as hideous, tailed amphibians with a crown of horns—later adopted by humanity as a symbol of nobility—the crown of the king.

These gods, however, were masters of genetic engineering, particularly ENKI (Lord of KI, the Earth, lead scientist and engineer) and “Bones” NINHURSAG (Lady of the Mountains, mother nature, chief medical officer), both of whom preferred to live on planet-side against the wishes of their father, AN, and ENKI’s kid brother, ENLIL (Lord of the Storm, military commander, Jehovah). It was their skills with genetics that turned this world into a custom planet for the ANNUNAKI, modifying existing life to better suit their needs, establishing a global agriculture and even large, technically advanced cities, one of which was ERIDU (“home away from home”), now replaced by the modern city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. ENKI’s real home on Earth, however, was past the Pillars of Hercules, over a small sea in the land of the ABZU, AZ (or OZ), known to the native humans as Aztlan, to the later Greeks as Atlantis and in modern days, the now destroyed Bargos Isles at the north pole, parts of the Americas and northern Canada along with remnants of “Phantom” Atlantic islands, which have vanished following subsequent earth changes. The Atlantic was a lot smaller back then.

The original center of The Powers That Were (TPTW) originated in ERIDU and, for the most part, remained there until the Deluge. In those days, power was a real thing called a “ME” (pronounced “may”) in Sumerian, which is normally translated as a “Tablet of Destiny.” If you look online, you will find researchers believe that these were just “seals of the gods” that they would stamp on tablets to make an official document. But that interpretation was created by people buried in the paperwork of bureaucracy, not ancient gods and their technology. Heck, even our Congress ignores the laws that they pass for us, so why would rivalrous gods care if somebody put their “AN Hancock” on a piece of mud?

In actuality, it is more like a “molecular key” used to access the ANNUNA technology on the colony ship that was in orbit around the planet. If you had possession of one or more of these ME, then you controlled their function, all over the world. And they controlled many things, from the weather to the behavior of the population—just like the desires of our good friends in the New World Order with their geoengineering, mind control and psyops. Once you consider what the ME controlled, it is obvious that they are not a “seal.” If they worked like that, Congress could just pass a law prohibiting gravity to exist on NASAs launchpads, to save rocket fuel.

The gods would fight, plot and scheme to get possession of these keys, as the gods, themselves, were not immune to their influence. And apparently they were not copyable much like today’s modern computer encryption systems, where a “one way encryption” that, if the original passphrase is lost, you simply can never recover and have to start anew.

But as time went on, sibling rivalry took hold of ENKI of the Earth gods and ENLIL of the Sky gods, that could not be settled by squealing on each other to their dad, AN.

Trilateral commission and the 3-fold aspect of penning up the slaves.
Trilateral commission and the 3-fold aspect of penning up the slaves.

The Nature of 3-Dimensional Time

I was asked by a number of folks to do a blog post on what 3D time actually IS. In order to explain 3D time and multiple dimensions, a person needs a clear understanding of what a “dimension” is… and looking at YouTube videos of people trying to explain it, it seems there is a great deal of misunderstanding regarding dimensional relationships and a LOT of confusion over what a “dimension” is (3D or otherwise).

Thanks to some additional input from my friends on Facebook, I asked for a reply to tell me what they understand a “dimension” to be–their personal understanding. I then used the replies to build a bridge between conventional understanding and what the Reciprocal System perspective is–and that should really help to clear up the concept of multi-dimensional time.

The 3-dimensional nature of time was first published by Dewey B. Larson in the 1959 publication, The Structure of the Physical Universe as a natural consequence of the physical relations he had developed by studying the Periodic Table, realizing that the properties of elements were best explained if they were treated as the reciprocal of space. The simplest relation that combines space with its reciprocal was the concept of motion (speed or velocity) as space/time, meaning that this spatial reciprocal was actually time—not the conventional, clock time we are familiar with, but something that also had the properties of space, including its 3-dimensional structure.

This opened the door to another universe, much like the “universe of time” that Doctor Who’s ship travels in—a part of the Universe where time has three dimensions and space becomes a clock, what Larson went on to describe as the cosmic sector. This formed a perfect reciprocal with 3D space and clock time, which eventuated in his Reciprocal System of physical theory.

With that little bit of background, let’s explore this universe of time:


Reprogramming for an Open Mind

A question was posed by a member of the ConsciousHugs forum asking if there was a way to counter the effects of the subliminal programming techniques discussed in “The Mind Has No Firewall.” But “countering” an attack is engaging in rivalry, so let us discuss a rapport-based alternative to get away from the systems of competition.

C&H-RightToIgnoranceIf we start with basic neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) subliminals, the standard technique is to give you the desired conclusion (the action or objective), then arrange a logical path of patterns that are easily recognized to take you strait to that conclusion, while thinking you actually used your free will to get there. That way, you’ll defend that conclusion to the death, because you actually worked it out for yourself… right?

Subliminal rapport “programming” is backwards from this approach (after all, everything you know is backwards) and prevents you from reaching a specific conclusion so you are forced to examine your own knowledge base to find a conclusion that fits the examination.

Remember that the brain is a huge pattern recognition system. And why does it do that? Because by recognizing patterns, it can predict what is going to happen next, prepare for it by running “possible outcome” scenarios in our minds so when something close to that situation actually occurs, you stay alive. We call the patterns that work to keep us alive, experience. A sequence of events happened, I survived it and grew from it. This is analogous to the old saying, “if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger.”

By understanding the predictive nature of pattern recognition, you can apply the same systems to the opposite effect, by supplying a pattern that leads to a dead end, a place where the train of thought gets derailed. This is called an “open mind,” because it is open-ended—you have to create a prediction from scratch, since none is given to you to “find” by accident. This means you have to consider alternatives and create scenarios in your head based on abstraction from other areas of expertise to see which would be the best solution. Your brain tends to give this a priority, as that path might actually occur, particularly since you just walked it it to reach that dead end.

Dead ends have two possible consequences, which are based on your knowledge and experience:

  1. The most probable is how the bulk of the population responds: panic. They have reached a point where they cannot predict any possible outcome, because they just do not have sufficient knowledge and experience to abstract from similar patterns that might provide a solution (one of the reasons for the dumbing-down of education). When a person panics, they will turn to others that have solutions to save them. Sound familiar? You’re exposed to it, constantly, by all our beneficent world leaders. As long as you remain afraid, you will turn to them for solutions. And, curiously enough, they just happen to have them all ready to go and sign into law. We are just so lucky to have leaders like that! Not.
  2. Occasionally, a person responds with curiosity rather than fear, asking themselves, “how the heck did I get here” and “hummm, I wonder where it leads?” Then they begin to draw on their knowledge and experience from other areas (this is called abstraction—the functions of the higher levels of the neocortex) to see if some other pattern comes close, then how it needs to be modified to fit as a potential “prediction” for the path under consideration.

If you notice, I put a great deal of time and effort in my papers to implement the second concept (one of the reasons why it takes me so long to write them). I take the reader on an information path that leads away from the preprogrammed conclusions that society and “education” have supplied, and leave you in the middle of nowhere. Then I provide you with the potential solution that *I* discovered—not you—usually after a lot of consideration and research, which is typically based on a recognized pattern and prediction from the Reciprocal System of theory— the famed “natural consequence” that I refer to so often. Since it is MY solution, not YOURS, it provides you the opportunity to see if it makes any sense—but does not force you into it. If my pattern does make sense, given your knowledge and experience, you may adopt a customized version of it into your own world view and now you’ve got a bigger perspective than you had before.

WakeUpThe process I use is designed to take you out of your “comfort zone,” without making you uncomfortable, by using curiosity instead of fear. What this does, internally, is to bring bioenergy into the higher abstraction layers of the neocortex (in New Age parlance, it makes your kundalini rise into the crown chakra) and with that system getting some light and energy, it can now start to be used elsewhere in the brain—it takes the blinders off, which is why you see Alchemical “muggles” (the caecus) in the old paintings walking around with blindfolds on.

This is why I get comments about my writing like “it melted my brain” or “like trying to take a drink of water from a fire hose.” Those feelings arise as a consequence of your psyche expanding—and remember, the expansion of the Universe (the progression of the natural reference system) is a natural consequence of the Reciprocal System, so an expanding psyche is good stuff! (See, I just did it to you again… path, dead-end, Reciprocal System correlation.)

In order to make that second consequence more likely, I employ humor. Humor makes things safe so people don’t panic when taken outside their interior landscape, because if I don’t take myself seriously, you don’t have to either. BUT, you have been exposed to the concepts—and they don’t go away… they linger in the back corners of your mind and make you wonder about the possibility… until curiosity takes hold and you go out exploring. That’s when the “Ahhhhh!” comes in.

DontPanicSo when faced with something outside your range of experience, understand that you’ve just ventured to a point where no behavioral patterns are matching, and DON’T PANIC. Consciously change that fear into curiosity, engage your imagination through abstraction and find a solution in some apparently unrelated knowledge. Dewey Larson’s research teaches that when you dig deep enough, everything is just a ratio of space to time, so everything tends to follow the same patterns of behavior. Once you can see this fundamental principle of the Universe, what was complex becomes obvious. But always remember Larson’s quote, “Complexity is entertaining; simplicity is not.” So ask yourself, are you willing to sacrifice a life of distraction and entertainment, to uncover the simple principles that form the basis of the Universe? If not… well, I guess ignorance is bliss.

The Mind Has No Firewall

In my paper, “New World Religion,” I commented on the fact that “The Mind Has No Firewall,” stating that our minds, those lumps of gray matter that run our body and life, have no protection against a number of non-biological viruses such as subliminal programming, suggestion, behavior modification and even active mind control. Our computers, however, have very extensive “firewalls” that block out all these unwanted intrusions from other computers on the Internet. If we were only that careful of our own minds, then The Powers That Be would be out of a job, because they could not influence the “masses” to the extent they do to stay in power—and they put a great deal of time and effort into it. A reader of that paper suggested that I should expound upon this topic as a blog entry.

All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence:
then success is sure.

—Mark Twain

They say, “knowledge is power” and “ignorance is bliss,” and I have come to notice that humanity, in general, seeks happiness more than anything else and is all too willing to sacrifice knowledge for that blissful ignorance. And that bliss takes many forms. It does not take a lot of effort to trace all these “provider bliss” systems back to our very own governments, the class of Annunaki-descended nobles that rule the world. And those systems include: smoking, drinking, recreational drugs, charity, religious devotion, political power, corporate power… it’s quite a long list and now includes iPhones, freemium “apps,” music players and all sorts of electronic devices. But no surprise there, because, like their blue-blood ancestors, they want controllable slaves, not an evolving species.

Most people treat this as a personal choice between master and slave. Granted, there are those that desire slavery—and a surprising number of people want someone telling them what to do, where to go and how to think. Free will and independence is being bred out of humanity, bit by bit. What I find frightening is that creativity, imagination and hope for a better future are going along with it. But it isn’t a situation of “either you’re with us, or against us,” because there is an alternative to rivalry—this little thing called rapport.

ACMEBeing a Science Fiction buff, I grew up with classic ‘50s Sci-Fi, where all sorts of new ideas and inventions were being presented, sometimes with dire consequences that made mankind reflect on the choices behind his decisions: was it ethics or ego? And those classic “The End?” messages had a positive effect on us kids of the time, making us think twice about what we did—and why we were doing it.

I’ve noticed how science fiction has changed since then. Take a series  like the Outer Limits (1963) or the Twilight Zone (1959), with their thought-provoking story lines that reached right into the core of your unconscious. By today’s standards many of these stories are “slow” to get going, but when they do, they reach out and grab you and you’re no longer in the living room, but right there with the characters, experiencing situations as they do. (I still won’t watch the Outer Limits episode, “Wolf 359” after sunset!) But these days, films (or “movies,” as we Americans say) are nothing more than the producer playing a video game, while the characters run, jump, shoot and try to defeat simple challenges on their “quest.”

I mention this because good writing is a kind of mind control that opens doors in the mind, invoking a sense of curiosity and wonder and engenders that rapport of the “peaceful explorer of the Universe.” Bad writing, however, closes those doors not because it is bad, but because it makes readers not want to read, at all, to find the good writing.

The Masters of this world have learned how to engage their mental firewalls to protect themselves from the very propaganda they shovel out on a minute-by-minute basis. The slaves, however, have been trained over the course of their lives on how to keep those firewalls shut down, under the guise of “more bliss off, than on.”

The remainder of this post is a discussion on how the mental firewall works, so if you desire “ignorance is bliss,” then stop reading now. (Click on image to zoom)


For those that do not want to end up face down in the gravel, the first step to a solution is to clearly identify the problem—unlike our rulers that come up with a solution, then create a problem to implement it. So the problem is: how do I become conscious of the influence of others?

The “remote control” of the human mind has been a popular and much sought-after topic of the rich and famous for centuries. And in order to discover what they found out, all one has to do is to look in the places they don’t want you to look—namely all the psychology that they “poo-poo” and call nonsense (while scarfing up those very books and papers for themselves). With a little pre-20th century research, one big area stands out: Mesmerism, the research of one Franz Mesmer (1734-1815) of the energetic transfers between life, the Universe and everything. If you notice the comments surrounding Mesmerism, like the dictionary comment, “made a living at mesmerism and the selling of medical remedies of dubious value,” you’ll find they are actually using his techniques to make you “dubious” of the topic, itself, through association with well-known medical cons. This is one of their favorite techniques, because they can claim “I never said mesmerism was dubious,” because technically they didn’t—but that word “and” is a logical association—BOTH must be true, for the statement to be true—and the statement is presented as truth, so your minds does the logic and assumes both premises must be true. It’s basic logic, and the brain is logical.

Mesmer is basically the root of the mind control tree. There were others before him, but their works are not well known, nor easy to obtain. I would suggest you do a little research on Mesmerism and get the general idea behind “animal magnetism,” because you will soon realize that this magical “magnetic fluid” they speak of is ætheric—it exists in 3D time, the Reciprocal System’s “cosmic sector” or the soul of the living organism. Once you understand that, you will understand what Mesmer discovered.

In the mid-1800s, Mesmerism evolved into a field of study known as Etherology (having recognized the ætheric effects at work in Mesmerism) and the science of Phreno-Philosophy, a comparison study of Mesmerism and magic, delving into hypnosis, sleep learning and of general consciousness. If you do not mind 19th century writing style, there is an excellent public domain book available by J. Stanley Grimes, with the humongous title of: Etherology, and the Phreno-Philosophy of Mesmerism and Magic Eloquence: Including a new philosophy of sleep and of consciousness with a review of the pretensions of phreno-magnetism, electro-biology, &c. (Boston and Cambridge: James Munroe and Company; London: Edward T. Whitfield, 1850).

If you desire to learn the fundamental concepts of how your mind is controlled, then read Etherology. Granted, it is written on the premises of 19th century science, before they “poo-poo’ed” the concept of æther, so it is not an easy read—but it is a fascinating one. Just the comment on the title page says a great deal to me, personally: “All the known phenomena of the universe may be referred to three general principles, viz., Matter, Motion and Consciousness.” These folks understood, a century before Dewey Larson did, these simple, underlying principles.

The modern interpretation of these principles tends to lump together under the concept of Neuro-linguistic programming. NLP, as it is called, makes use of the brains phenomenal ability to recognize patterns and, like many of Derren Brown’s tricks, pre-programs responses to these patterns so by the time you “figure it out,” you already have the solution that was given you—and are amazed! (I love Derren Brown’s series; much can be learned if you pay close attention to what he does, and understand that most of the time he is telling his “mark” how to respond, rather than letting them make a choice for themselves.)

We are constantly exposed to NLP through marketing departments by their visual advertisements and commercials. What they program you to do is much like the “dubious” situation above. They take two, unrelated concepts and create a logical connection between them, so one infers the other. The most common is sex + product = “you get sex if you buy this product.” They are going after that “animal magnetism” of Mesmer—what a surprise that they don’t want people studying it, as they might recognize the trickery.

This short post is the basis of how to become conscious of the unconscious influences that bombard our consciousness almost nonstop. It is imbedded in every television show, commercial, film, movie, computer game, app and even the music you listen to. Watch for “product branding,” where they stick product names in obvious places during a show, but never actually mention it. You like the star of the show, the star likes product X, so therefore you must like it—and if you like it, you’ll find yourself just dropping it into the cart without even thinking about it, as you’ve been programmed to know you already like it.

The Mind HAS a Firewall, but it is not something you can go out and purchase at Wal-mart–you need to “do the work” to become conscious of how you are being manipulated, by getting the fundamentals of how your mind works and how it is being manipulated. Then you can catch them in the act–and each time you do, you’ll find it is easier to catch them again.


Life, the Universe and Digital Society

Our new system of self-Education
Our new system of self-Education

While I was walking to the gym this morning, I ran across a group of rather upset birds, flying around and squawking at each other. It made me chuckle a bit because in my head, I was translating their conversation as, “No way–this is MY branch! You go find your own tree!” and I was thinking, “how very human.” It actually got me thinking that, for the most part, life tends to work together in rapport, “finding their place” in a larger system that benefits both themselves and the system. But it only takes one troublemaker to disrupt that harmony, in this case, one bird that wanted to take over another birds place in the tree.

Some young folks at a nearby bus stop saw me laughing and were quite puzzled by that act, as I did not have wires hanging out of my ears, listening to some stand-up comic on an iPhone. One of them unplugged one of their ears and asked me what was so funny. I just asked, “did you hear the birds?” The only reply I got was “what birds?” They even tried to listen, but could not hear the continuing din from above. He asked his girlfriend,  yanking a wire out of her ear, do you hear any birds? A moment’s pause, and “no.” To me, the birds were making quite the racket.

I prefer to communicate by the written word, as I can take the time to express what I want to say clearly and accurately. Socially, I’m “not very,” but on those occasions that I do open my mouth and speak, my somewhat “unusual” knowledge tends to grab the attention of a group. And I’ve been noticing over the last few years that young people cannot seem to hear full words, almost as though they have become deaf to specific phonemes. After this mornings incident, I hopped on the net to see if there was some relation between the use of earbuds and headphones with hearing loss. And it turns out that the situation is well documented…

Maybe the danger of digital culture to young people is not that they have hummingbird attention spans but that they are going deaf.

New York Times article

Though the birds in question this morning were not hummingbirds, I did find the “lack of attention” reference funny (as hummingbirds are common in this region). But the article does point out that young people, due to the excessive use of earbuds and headphones, are becoming deaf to certain sounds (mentioned specifically as T’s and K’s in the article) that my generation can still hear clearly, despite our old age! The example given in the article is that the word “talk” is actually heard by the brain as “aw.”

If you’ve studied the pattern recognition system of the brain, it uses a “head-tail list” system of recognition. If you leave out the middle of a word, the brain can usually fill in the missing bits to figure out which word you meant. The bulk of English vocabulary (and some of the other Western languages I am familiar with) tend to start and end with hard consonants–the ones that young folks are becoming deaf to. That dissociation is going to impede the brain’s ability to connect the written word with the spoken one, as what is written will not verbalize like what is heard. That is a very interesting situation–and I have to wonder if it was just an “accident.”

As I continued down the sidewalk, my mind wandered towards the old film, The Planet of the Apes, along with one of the goals of the New World Order–to reduce humanity back to an illiterate, slave population, or as Ra (of the Law of One material) described it, “back to 2nd density.” Ra also mentioned that the physical form of mankind was specifically designed to aid verbal communication, as the local apes could not produce the refinements of human speech. And now we’re rapidly heading back towards grunts, groans and squeaks–because the upcoming generations cannot hear those refinements any longer and as a consequence, will eventually stop speaking them.

I have to admit, those folks in the New World Order are clever. Dumb down the upcoming generations by making education something you willfully rebel against, knock out the ability to hear, speak and comprehend refined speech, and you’re back to simple slave commands, “Yes Sir!”

Science Fiction has been warning of this scenario for decades, the earliest I recall being the 1968 Doctor Who episode, The Invasion (starring Patrick Troughton, my favorite Doctor), where the Cyber-signal, transmitted through radios of the time, was used to control the minds of humanity. From all the wires dangling out of people’s ears these days, it appears the Cybermen, after 48 years of effort, have succeeded.

In closing, I have received many inquiries on how to take the “red pill” and wake up from this Matrix of backwards reality we now live in. The answer is simple, again being played on by a lot of Science Fiction: have faith in your ability to exceed your programming and become something better. Don’t rely on government education, YouTube videos or ETs promising ascension. Decide for yourself to become intelligent. All it takes is an open mind, a little curiosity and some patience. You will be surprised what you can do, once you stop telling yourself what you cannot do.

The Colonization of Tiamat by –daniel

Part 4 of the Anthropology Series on the “Hidden Origins of Homo Sapiens” by -daniel

Somewhere along the line, that which is true is being made to appear false, because that which is false is accepted as truth. —Dewey Larson

click to download Geochronology pdf
click to download The Colonization of Tiamat pdf

Following on from the excellent Homo Sapiens Ethicus, where daniel ended with a quick review of the evolution of the species and the “intervention” upon our world by three major groups of extraterrestrial visitors; the Cyclopeans, Titans and Annunaki, part 4 of the Anthropology Series goes into more detail about the hidden history of Homo Sapiens on Tiamat, now known as Earth.

In order to advance forward you need to learn from the past but with history usually being written by the winners and countless eons of scientific misinterpretation, disinformation, fraud and hidden agenda’s to deal with, it’s almost impossible to learn the real history of the third rock from the sun.

But the clues are there, in our mythology, in our folklore, in the shaving foam and whiskers spiraling down the bathroom sink hole!

MilkyWay (Artist)

This latest paper goes some way towards solving the mystery of our origins and a little problem with the Hubble Space Telescope by showing that once again “everything we know is wrong”.

It’s important to remember the following:

  • The substance of the universe is not matter, but motion, an abstract ratio of change that we call space/time.
  • Faster-than-light speeds are commonplace; the rule, not the exception.
  • Astronomers have everything backwards; stars begin their life as red giants and end it as blue giants exploding in a supernovae galaxies.
  • The geological dating system is based on a false premise; things are much younger than stated by geologists. Correlations are missed because of this, such as the Biblical appearance of Adam and Eve coinciding with the sudden appearance of Cro-Magnon man.
  • Anthropology became the study of how to hide the true origins of homo sapiens.  Fact is, we are the new kids on the block, and the story is much bigger before we came around.

What I love about the ongoing RS2 research, which builds on Dewey B. Larson’s Reciprocal System of physical theory, is how it continues to provide a much more satisfactory explanation for how the world really works compared to the current mainstream understanding of science.

Mainstream science doesn’t take into account 3D time (the 19th century concept of aether) and I often wonder what kind of world we would live in if they did and the work of people like James Clerk Maxwell and Nicola Tesla had not been conveniently covered up…

So get ready for a hidden history lesson you won’t forget, brought to you by Barney and his new Rubble Space Telescope!

Hey Fred! I think astronomers got it all inside-out, backwards and the wrong scale! BARNEY! Stop reading daniel's papers!!!
Hey Fred! I think astronomers got it all inside-out, backwards and the wrong scale!
BARNEY! Stop reading daniel’s papers!!!

When I first read this seemingly crazy information coming down from the Rubble Space Telescope to Einstone College, I thought to myself-has daniel completely lost it?

I mean really? This turns everything upside down and inside out!

Then I thought about it….upside down & inside out–yeah, turns out that is exactly how reciprocal things work!  Hmmm… this answers all the questions, and fills all the gaps the main-streamers have been brushing under the rug for centuries.

Check the evidence yourself – might ol’ daniel just be right…?

click the image of Albert Einstone below to download the paper:

The Colonization of Tiamat: Part 4 of the Anthropology series
The Colonization of Tiamat: Part 4 of the Anthropology series

New Update Nov. 19th, 2012- EDs-ETs from daniel

As we continue with our series of “the daniel papers”, we now come to the publishing and release of “EDsETs”. In this paper we discover some of basics of what are extra dimensional and extra terrestrial beings and how they do what they do. We will need all of our previously learned knowledge contained within the Time and Timelines paper, as well as having our thinking caps firmly affixed to our craniums to continue on this journey of discovery. This paper is once again “awe inspiring” and leaves you with a sense of peace and also excitement as you realize the scope of the abilities we are moving into on our natural path of ascension, and for us the new frontier into the awareness and explorations of the temporal landscape!


click to download EDsETs pdf
click to download EDsETs pdf

NEW FORUM! daniel and I have decided to create a new FORUM here that will serve as a collective Think Tank and network hub for serious discussions of these topics and research, but also as an invitation to other “Uncommitted Investigators” out there who are willing to share there knowledge and research in an open format.


3629538 yin yang logo
click image for CH Forum


You can also download all of daniel’s papers at the archive page here