Tag Archives: Corrupt Government

Space Travel: Science is Fiction?

Reciprocal System researchers are having a very interesting “behind the scenes” discussion on “natural limits” of physical systems that indicate it may not be physically possible for man “to boldly go where no man has gone before”1 and travel to distant worlds—mankind may actually be trapped within the Earth-Moon system, in a kind of quarantine. These conclusions came out of the natural consequences of the cross-referencing of æther research with the Reciprocal System model.

The basic argument is interesting… life is a stable matter-antimatter2 reaction with the body being the material half (3D space) and the soul, mind or anima being the cosmic “antimatter” half (3D time).3 Astronauts can launch their bodies into space—but what of that “silver cord”4 that connects the body to the soul? It was well known in alchemical and magical circles that if the silver cord gets cut, or stretched too far and breaks, it means the immediate death of the person that lost the connection. So one must ponder whether the soul half of the life unit travels along with the astronaut, or remains attached to the temporal core of the planet… stretching only so far, before it breaks, with life coming to an abrupt end.

Most life here has a group soul structure, which is a nonlocal connection analogous to a magnetic field where one, archetypal soul (the magnet) plays host to a large number of individual bodies (iron filings in the field, with induced magnetism). Think of a school of fish or flock of birds—each has an independent body, but they think and move as one mind. Most of the “sheeple” inhabiting Earth fall into this category; large groups of humans have independent bodies, but share a group soul. Of course, New Age dogma speaks of “soul groups,” but curiously leaves out this rather obvious connection, preferring to treat it as “traveling buddies.”

Kes in Aerponics bay on the USS VoyagerThis opens up some interesting thoughts regarding space travel. All food plants and food animals work by soul groups, so if they were removed from Earth to stock an aeroponics/hydroponics bay on Earthship Ark,5 they could not survive past the length of the silver cord connecting them back to the planet. Go too far and you get a mass extinction event in your food supply.

Most humans fall into the same “bound by group soul” category, but there are a few nonconformists that just don’t fit into socially acceptable society and have individuated souls. However, given the obsession with materialism and ever-dropping interest in spiritual development (until somebody comes up with an “app” for it), individuated souls have become a rare occurrence. A century ago, individuation was actually the direction mankind was headed with the change occurring around 1925 with the discovery of the “germanium triode tube” by one T. Henry Moray of Salt Lake City, Utah, uSA. Curiously, he was denied a patent for the device because his “tube,” being a solid state transistor device, lacked a filament and hot cathode. And everybody knows a tube cannot work without a hot cathode! Or at least that’s what the patent office said.

The “harder” life of the old days promoted the growth of an individuated soul. If you were not being a good slave for the King of your domain, you had to learn to survive on your own—and that lack of reliance on others triggers the process of individuation. This may also explain why outcasts tend to have strong spirits—they have an individuated body and mind, providing the foundation for the spirit/animus complex to grow on. If you are part of the collective, then it is like trying to stand upright with one foot on land and the other on the surface of water. In the astronaut situation, that would definitely result in a splashdown.

The L-Ms,6 however, do not seem to have this issue because they have outgrown the group mind and evolved the Social Memory Complex. Think of the group mind as a “many to one” relationship, many bodies, with one mind that is the master. In the SMC, the relation is “many to many” that choose to work together in rapport—the “one” is the choice, not the structure.

Fred Flintstone doing Seinfeld-like standup comedy for the L-Ms in one of their Faery Mounds

The L-M Version of Seinfeld

The L-Ms can leave the planet and explore the Universe because they take their personal souls with them. Since they use natural “motherships,” their Arks being constructed from moons and asteroids that are supernova remnants, they have a fully functional, ready-made environment that supports both body, soul and spirit, complete with a local, temporal core—the “inner sun” of these portable planets. They aren’t “crew” on these Arks, they are more like colonists, taking what they need with them, including the life support system. As such, they can travel for unlimited periods across space (particularly since there is evidence that the natural aging process stops once you leave the surface world).

Many New Age sources state that the Earth is in some kind of quarantine that traps mankind here on the world and it is the desire of the New World Order and The Powers That Be to break this quarantine and head out to conquer space, just like in all the old Sci-Fi films.

What is being uncovered has led to the conclusion that this quarantine is a natural consequence of the evolution of consciousness, existing to prevent undeveloped species from getting too far from home until they learn to grow up and play together, nicely. I don’t know about you, but from my perspective, humanity appears to be heading in the opposite direction.

But the really big consequence is that all these “secret space programs” are nothing more than propaganda. Those on the inside know that the Apollo program was just a Hollywood production filmed at Area 51 (Project ASP, Apollo Simulation Program) and the astronauts never went further than Earth orbit, so they could have an appropriate splashdown for the TV cameras. The rest was filmed on a sound stage ahead of time and edited in for the “live broadcast.” It is starting to appear that the situation is much larger than just the faked moon landings—most of the spacecraft sent out into the solar system were probably faked, as well, and what we are seeing for “hi-res images” from these ships are nothing more than good computer graphics, modeled after images taken from Earth and orbit-based telescopes.

There is some evidence that a few astronauts may have visited other worlds in our solar system, but they would have to have special training in ethics and psychology to get over the soul connection issue, which a dedicated explorer would probably have. Man can exist on the Moon, as it is “within range.” Ever since the Philadelphia Project, the black ops folks have known that you cannot just grab anyone off the street and send them into time and space—only a very small part of the population can do it and usually requires someone with developed psionic skills.

Of our extra-planetary missions, the only ones I’ve seen viable evidence for are:

  • The Nazi scientist orbital mission in the Haunebu (1930s) that was intercepted by a race of peaceful explorers before the ship was destroyed (from design flaws) and the occupants given a little tour of the Universe before being returned. Their enlightenment resulted in their sabotaging the Nazi spacecraft program.

  • One manned trip to the Moon in a Bellcraft (the re-engineered Haunebu) in the late 1950s, where humanity met with the Selenites7 and were told mankind was not welcome there and “don’t call us, we’ll call you.” In reprisal, the United States proposed Project A119—the “let’s blow up the moon” project, abandoned in 1959 as unfeasible.

  • One unmanned probe to Mars in 1962 as a joint project between the United States and Russia, with assistance from Germany, England and France.

While at Montauk, I was recruited into their version of the Psi-Corps (popularized on Babylon 5, a far better show than Big Bang Theory) because they were actively seeking technical people with engineering and computer skills that possessed psionic ability, whom could be developed and enhanced to their needs. I never got far enough into the program to discover their ultimate objectives, but getting past the quarantine may well have been one of them.

So our world leaders, rather than saying to humanity, “hey, we’re all trapped here until we grow up,” then get caught with their hands in the “Idiocracy8 jar,” decided to fake it and distort astronomical data to make the universe huge and unreachable by man in the foreseeable future. Convert the nearby solar systems (that are light days away) into galaxies, far, far away, then deny contact from these other, nearby civilizations because it is “scientifically impossible” for them to get here, just like a Moray patent application. So here we sit, kicking sand in each other’s faces because we feel cut off, alone and isolated from the rest of the Universe.

Right now we are cut off, and you have your illustrious leaders to thank for that with their S-M9 technology and chemtrail screens. But hey, you voted for them, even if you didn’t vote, because silence is consent. At least that is what it says in the Uniform Commercial Code that runs every aspect of our legal lives. Perhaps we should change the name of the planet to Ferenginar.10

In summary, what has turned up is that the limits of mankind’s collective silver cord, the link that bonds his body and soul into a living organism, has a physical extent that is just outside the orbit of the Moon. But the NWO types wanted the Moon to themselves and as a consequence, after making first contact with the Selenite civilizations, got thrown off and told not to come back. And there is nowhere else to go at this time, except the space stations that corporations like Bigelow Aerospace are putting so much effort into.

Mankind can bark his brains out at the other, nearby worlds from here, but it’s all bark and no bite, since he cannot get his weapons of destruction past the natural limits of the Earth-Moon system. Man is not yet a threat to the peaceful explorers and will not encounter them until he learns to “cut his chains” that tie him to the species collective, which must be done by conscious evolution—the opposite direction that The Powers That Be are leading the species. And The Powers That Be don’t like being trapped, particularly when they know the entire solar system is evolving, the sun is getting larger and hotter and things will be changing. So they’ve got their underground bases, space stations and chemical screens to block off the natural path to evolution—and we, the humble peasants, are paying the price for it. Unless the peasants are revolting, and to these NWO types, they certainly are.

If you consider this situation, it is no wonder they enforce all these artificial boundaries of countries, nations, states, counties, districts… fences for the minions, so the “one” of the one-to-many relationship, the “big magnet,” themselves, can make all the decisions. Though something they may not have considered is that if they don’t take enough slaves with them when they go into hiding, there may not be sufficient bioenergy to keep the group mind functioning—and they won’t survive, either. We have seen species extinctions before when the population size reaches a low point, and I cannot see why that “law of Nature” would omit mankind. But I live in hope.

There may come a time soon that True Seekers may feel that they “lose their soul,” but in reality, they are just cutting their chains—getting ready for the next stage of evolution, the Tomorrow People, homo sapiens ethicus, ready to individuate from the Annunaki-created human collective and move out into space to join the peaceful explorers of the Universe. But understand it is not a handout—you have to work for your evolution. “Hope porn” is every bit as bad as “fear porn.”

 1 Roddenberry, Gene, from Star Trek’s split infinitive opening sequence.

2 In the Reciprocal System, “antimatter” is actually “inverse matter” having temporal dimensions instead of spatial ones.

3 See my paper, Homo Sapiens Ethicus or Dewey Larson’s book, Beyond Space and Time.

4 The silver cord in metaphysical studies and literature, also known as the sutratma or life thread of the antahkarana, refers to a life-giving linkage from the higher self (atma) down to the physical body.

5 Ellison, Harlan, writer The Starlost, 20th Century Fox, 1973.

6 L-Ms, “Little Men,” the creatures of faery folklore, the fae, dwarves, elves, sprites and their kin.

7 Selenites are “moon men,” derived from the Greek moon goddess, Selene. Selenites were popularized in H. G. Well’s novel (1901) and films (1919, 1964) of The First Men in the Moon.

8 Judge, Mike and Cohen, Etan, writers of Idiocracy, 20th Century Fox and Ternion Pictures, 2006.

9 S-Ms, “Space Men” or “Saurian Men” are an insider reference to the space-faring people that colonized Earth and are continuing to operate behind the scenes with world governments.

10 Star Trek’s home world of the Ferengi, a civilization built on a caricature of free enterprise, where earning profit was the sole meaningful goal in life, superseding all other endeavors.

Extraterrestrial Albino Brain Chiggers

AlbinoBrainChiggersHas the mind of man been invaded by extraterrestrial microorganisms that are consuming his intelligence, returning him to the status of good slaves to the gods? Well no, but it certainly looks that way at times.

I was walking by the local High School the other day reading the chalk graffiti covering the sidewalks around the campus. They seem to have a preference for Satanic symbols and death messages, with the pentagram being one of the most popular. Though it is obvious they have no clue as to who or what “the Satan” actually is nor any idea on how magical symbols operate; it is just random scrawling to try to spook the Mormon teachers, rebelling against the worship of Jesus being forced upon them and taking the position of the adversary (what “Satan” actually means). Scattered between the pentagrams there were many editorial comments regarding their trainers (I hesitate to use the words “teachers” or “educators” these days) brazenly spelling out “SKOOL SUKS!!!” not 50 feet from the large, metal letters emblazoned across the brick wall of the school, spelling out “HIGH SCHOOL.”

Now it occurs to me that these kids have been exposed to the word “school” on a near-daily basis for at least 8 years now and still have not figured out how to spell it, despite all the exorbitant schools and government-backed “education.” So the only possible explanation must be that their minds have been invaded by extraterrestrial albino brain chiggers1 sucking out all their intelligence. After all, the systems of Education want you to know what is going on in the world so you can think for yourself and see all the false flags, deceit and trickery your masters are engaging in, right?

I find it quite interesting that the “dumbing down” of humanity started around 1933 as a film industry process to create entertainment that appealed to the lowest common denominator, which was the same year that “insider info” has for world governments establishing formal relations with extraterrestrials.

The cover-ups of extraordinary scientific breakthroughs began in the mid-1920s to prevent the major energy suppliers from going out of business from “free energy” technology that was being discovered on every garage inventor’s workbench. Back then it was easy. Threaten the guy and his family, “terminate with extreme prejudice,” or discredit the idea so it would never make it to industry. Job done, easy as pie because technology had not developed to a point where communication between researchers was just a push of a button, as it is today.

From the film, They Live

With the establishment of interplanetary relations a new situation developed—how to control the minds of the public at large, who much prefer to be entertained over educated. As Dewey Larson oft said, “complexity is entertaining, simplicity is not.” So they flipped science around backwards to make it as complex and entertaining as possible then introduced it to the mass media for distribution to the public with all the appropriate subliminal messages in place. “Obey without question!” as Doctor Who’s Daleks put it.

The manipulators of our world are very clever, not only with the subliminal images but are quite adept at using the music industry to create precise emotional responses by fostering specific “rebellious” personalities that are actually doing the bidding of The Powers That Be to encourage all sorts of criminal acts—because prisons have become privatized and big business these days with their “customers” being criminals. When you want to increase your customer base just make more and more stuff illegal.2 That is why we have lawmakers making laws, instead of representatives protecting liberties. Heck, here in the United States they have even made “being alive” a crime unless you pay the Obamacare “tax” for permission to breathe. Thank goodness that people are blissfully ignorant of this invasion of the neuron snatchers, these fluffy albino chiggers that blanket the world in silence, like new-fallen snow.

3rd Rock from the Sun, “Frozen Dick,” Season 1, Episode 17.

From the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy:

Albino Brain Chiggers

A white, crystalline microorganism that dissolves upon contact with the flesh, enters the bloodstream, migrates to the brain and breaks down molecules of intelligence into their component particles, known as morons.

Whatever the cause, the effect is this: the genocide of intelligence. And what people do not realize is that in the ancient texts the word for intelligence is the Medieval Latin animus—the very same word they used for spirit. Intelligence is not memorization and regurgitation, like a bird feeding its chicks by puking up words of wisdom… intelligence is the ability to generate abstract concepts from seemingly unrelated patterns that can be used to form new patterns that would otherwise be concealed within the dark reaches of the psyche. Spiritual concepts are abstractions as they usually do not have a physical existence, so at least for me, intelligence is the doorway to the spiritual realm, ascension and higher levels of being. So what’s it to be, my friends… the “ignorance is bliss” of the slave, or the intelligent, peaceful explorer of the Universe, tracing the route of natural consequences to infinity and beyond?

Having been around for more than a half century and growing up in parallel with the evolution of computers and technology, I find it interesting that I am constantly told how much smarter computers have become, to the point where they can now think like a man. Yet when I pull out the old programming books and compare them to what is used today, I see exactly the same thing. If, then, else, input, print “Hello World!”, let x=2+2. It is not that computers have evolved to think like man—it is that man has been devolved to think like a computer, complete with the “New World Order 8.0” operating system and apps, fully installed at birth, for your convenience.

Most of mankind has been exposed to extraterrestrial albino brain chiggers from an early age and is taught to “cover his ears” by the powers that be, but not to keep them out—to keep them in.

So take off the brain condoms and pull out the mental floss—there is still the possibility of a better world out there but you need to see and hear the reality of it, for yourself.

 1: 3rd Rock from the Sun, “Frozen Dick,” Season 1, Episode 17.

2: In the United States, if you include Federal and State Codes and Regulations along with all the “case law” that supports it, well, Ronald Gainer of the Justice Department said, “you will have died and resurrected three times,” just to count them! Ron Paul estimates that 40,000 new laws were passed just on the 1st day of 2012.

Where’s the Kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-Shattering Kaboom!

TrinityBombSiteRevealedLast June on the Antiquatis Forum there was an interesting discussion on nuclear weapons concerning if the nuclear tests had actually been faked by the major governments.  I’ve done contract work for nuclear power plants, so I’ve seen nuclear power in action–but making lots of hot water from atomic fission is not the same as a nuclear explosion.

The question arose in response to a paper put out by Miles Mathis titled, “The Bikini Atoll Nuclear Tests Were Faked,” which went on to demonstrate, through publicly available records, the many inconsistencies in the tests. LoneBear’s RS2  analysis was quite interesting, describing how nuclear fission works in the Reciprocal System (which has a different structure to the atom):

Chain reactions are based on the atom being composed of protons and neutrons, where the impact of ONE neutron kicks out TWO others, to cause the cascade. Though the number of neutrons would double, each would have only half the energy of the one impacting the nucleus, which means neither of those emitted neutrons will probably have enough energy to repeat the process.

But we DO have nuclear reactions that WORK in the Reciprocal System, because the model is different. The RS model has temporal rotation as its basis (the displacement being the “number of protons”), but NO neutrons, which are particles composed of a proton + antineutrino. No antineutrinos in the atomic rotating system, as they would be spatially-displaced in a temporal rotation. Space-to-time constitutes motion, so they would just move on through the atom, like electric current.

But the atom DOES have charged, electron neutrinos present, which is the value we use for the atomic mass unit (curious that the AMU is actually a particle mass unit). The proton has displacements of 1-1-(1) and the neutrino of 1/2-1/2-(1), so you can see that the proton is equivalent to TWO neutrino rotations, which leads to Larson’s mass formula of 2Z+G (twice the atomic number, the temporal displacement, plus the number of captured neutrinos, G).

So when you destroy an atom, you are converting some of the atomic rotation to LINEAR status, as kinetic energy. The drop in rotational speed means some of the captured neutrinos get set free and are carried away at the speed of light, to end up getting trapped in another atomic rotation, increasing it’s mass past the isotopic limit, causing it to convert some of it’s atomic rotation to linear status, to get rid of the excess speed, liberating some more neutrinos… and the chain reaction runs for quite some time, since all the heavy elements like uranium are right on the threshold of the isotopic limit.

BUT… this chain reaction is a relatively SLOW process that moves through the atoms much like the magnetic version of heat (Larson actually calls the magnetic ionization level that causes atoms to enter fission, “magnetic temperature”). You don’t have a nuclear explosion, but nuclear combustion.

I realize that for most people, that explanation makes about as much sense as a bronto-crane visiting Cavern on the Green for dinner, but you don’t need to be Albert Einstone to realize that Nature’s version of a thermonuclear combustion is a star and a thermonuclear explosion is a supernova. For Nature to create that Earth-shattering kaboom, you need a stellar-sized mass, not a chunk of material the size of a basketball (or soccer ball, depending on where you live).

So why bother to fake it? In my own research into the mythology of the “gods,” I have run across many references that indicate these gods (the Dingar, also known as the Annuna, Annunaki or Olympians) were “arms dealers,” mining the resources of our world and making use of the human slave population to build and stockpile weapons (much like their descendants of today–like father, like son). And that included nuclear weapons. But when that sibling rivalry between ENLIL and ENKI got to the point of war, they used them on each other–leaving some nice, radioactive bald spots of smooth, fused green glass on the planet. So it appears that these gods had functioning, nuclear weapons, and for some reason, humanity has been unable to duplicate it in the modern era–if the evidence of “faked nuclear testing” is true. I believe it IS true, and I’ll tell you why…

Back in my early days of subcontracting for the aircraft industry, I was involved with a project to reverse-engineer what appeared to be a reactor core and anti-gravity propulsion system from a “foreign” device. (They never said UFO or ET… it was always “foreign technology.”) The elements at its core were stable transuranium elements (later identified as Element #115 by Bob Lazar, which we in the Scientific Underground nicknamed, “Lazarite”).

BigRedButtonThese reactors ran cold–unlike our superheating nuclear reactors. It only became dangerous when the “warp core,” as we called it, was shut down through accident, mishap, or pressing the big Red Button. (Whatever you do, do not press the Red Button!) Once the internal reactions ceased, the core became highly radioactive and would proceed into a nuclear meltdown–again, lots of heat, but no Earth-shattering kaboom.


Back then, we did not have a clue as to what was going on, nor how anyone could have gotten the material in the core and began the process without it rapidly decaying into radioactive dust. Twenty years later, thanks to some research put out by Dewey Larson that described “magnetic ionization” of atoms and how isotopic mass inverted when matter was accelerated past the speed of light (2Z-G), we were able to understand how these warp cores worked and what was needed to make one–an environment with a ZERO magnetic ionization level. With no magnetic ionization, all of the 117 elements defined in the Reciprocal System’s Periodic Table are stable, only becoming unstable when the magnetic ionization level is raised to 1 or more. These cores had to have been built in space–not on a planet that has magnetic ionization levels of unity or higher.

And that gave an interesting clue as to why nuclear explosions worked for the gods of old, but probably aren’t working today.

Our current magnetic ionization level is about 1 natural unit. Using Larson’s equations, that means all the elements from 92 on up will exhibit radioactive decay. But that wasn’t always the case. Back in the 1500s, the Earth underwent an “expansion event,” where the size of the planet increases slightly–well in that case, about 5000 miles in circumference (I explain in detail in “The Colonization of Tiamat, Part V,” coming soon to a website near you). This moves some continents around a bit and adds more ocean floor, but most importantly, the expansion events normally coincide with a decrease in magnetic ionization level. So prior to the 16th century, Earth had a level of 2, making gold the “uranium” of the day–and why the gods were after it.

U-236 and other elements near the 236 AMU boundary are at their “age limit,” as Larson describes it in his books. In other words, they have accumulated as much isotopic mass as they can handle without falling apart. In the Reciprocal System, there are two ways for an atom to “fall apart,” which also describe the two different types of supernova explosions witnessed by astronomers.

The first is the “thermal limit,” where things just get too hot and explode to release the heat. For example, the Blue giant stars (which are old stars–not young ones–remember astronomy is backwards).

The second is the “age limit,” where the vibrational mass exceeds the rotational mass, causing the more violent “age limit” detonation, as seen in other supernova. Age limit can occur at any time, since all it requires is some very old, heavy rocks. The thermal limit, however, requires a LOT of rocks of younger age, hence the 1st generation blue, supergiant stars.

This difference explains the nuclear weapon inconsistency between the days of the gods and today. With our current radioactive materials, they simply cannot get hot enough to “supernova,” because the age limit explosion will occur first, destroying the atom before the reaction can really get going. In the past when gold was the radioactive fuel of choice, the gold atoms had plenty of room to get good and hot (rotational mass of only 158, which is quite far from 236) and cross the thermal limit on a small scale, making a “less hot” but much faster burning reaction–an explosion. Like most fuels, the hotter it burns, the faster it is consumed, and fast consumption is required to produce the pressure necessary for the best bang since the big one.

WileE-NukeBut what of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Well, if there were “no nukes” then there is only one, obvious conclusion: certain factions of the Japanese government and military conspired with the United States to fake the explosions, seeding the area with large quantities of high explosives–which the aircraft set off with their bombs, giving the huge flame show now documented as a nuclear detonation. And if you look at the post-nuke consequences, one could not help but notice that the globally expanding Japanese empire came to a halt after that (Korea liberated, for example). There is a lot here that says, “Project Blue Beam.”

I submit for your perusal this Army photo of a soldier pointing at “Ground Zero,” the point directly below where the nuclear bomb went off.  Notice the extensive amount of radiation gear, including respirator and air tanks he used to keep from being killed by the now abundant radioactive fallout. Hey… wait a sec…


So there you have it–we have in our collective “race memory,” the images of the gods nuking cities and turning people into pillars of salt, using the POWER OF GOLD and why gold is associated with power. Our unconscious knows it CAN be done, even though it can no longer be done in our current magnetic environment. Enter the people that want power and control over the planet. What better hostage could they have than the World, itself, under the threat of nuclear destruction? As long as they could prey on those unconscious memories and make people believe they could do it with a lot of special effects, well, then you now control the biggest threat to life on the planet.

In closing, I would like you to ask yourself: if these devices actually worked, why would governments, whom are all paranoid over national security, put out so much information on how nuclear weapons work that a High School student could build one? One would think that their principle of operation would be one of the biggest kept secrets on the planet…

OliverScienceProjectPeople will make any sacrifice… life, liberty or happiness, for the security of a global government regulating possible nuclear destruction.

If you would like some followup, there is a very interesting video on the topic on YouTube (not the best quality, but I’ll take fascinating information over fancy effects, any day!)
