As we continue with our series of “the daniel papers”, we now come to the publishing and release of “EDsETs”. In this paper we discover some of basics of what are extra dimensional and extra terrestrial beings and how they do what they do. We will need all of our previously learned knowledge contained within the Time and Timelines paper, as well as having our thinking caps firmly affixed to our craniums to continue on this journey of discovery. This paper is once again “awe inspiring” and leaves you with a sense of peace and also excitement as you realize the scope of the abilities we are moving into on our natural path of ascension, and for us the new frontier into the awareness and explorations of the temporal landscape!

NEW FORUM! daniel and I have decided to create a new FORUM here that will serve as a collective Think Tank and network hub for serious discussions of these topics and research, but also as an invitation to other “Uncommitted Investigators” out there who are willing to share there knowledge and research in an open format.

You can also download all of daniel’s papers at the archive page here
This PDF is very good. How/Where to find his papers as mentioned in the PDF?
you can find them for download on the main page of this site at
I would like to invite everyone to come and join our new FORUM. This forum will undoubtedly evolve into the primary place where all serious discussion and interaction takes place.
Come interact with myself, daniel and many other like minded uncommitted investigators in our search for the truth and enlightenment!