Reciprocal System researchers are having a very interesting “behind the scenes” discussion on “natural limits” of physical systems that indicate it may not be physically possible for man “to boldly go where no man has gone before” and travel to distant worlds—mankind may actually be trapped within the Earth-Moon system, in a kind of quarantine. These conclusions came out of the natural consequences of the cross-referencing of æther research with the Reciprocal System model.
The basic argument is interesting… life is a stable matter-antimatter reaction with the body being the material half (3D space) and the soul, mind or anima being the cosmic “antimatter” half (3D time). Astronauts can launch their bodies into space—but what of that “silver cord” that connects the body to the soul? It was well known in alchemical and magical circles that if the silver cord gets cut, or stretched too far and breaks, it means the immediate death of the person that lost the connection. So one must ponder whether the soul half of the life unit travels along with the astronaut, or remains attached to the temporal core of the planet… stretching only so far, before it breaks, with life coming to an abrupt end.
Most life here has a group soul structure, which is a nonlocal connection analogous to a magnetic field where one, archetypal soul (the magnet) plays host to a large number of individual bodies (iron filings in the field, with induced magnetism). Think of a school of fish or flock of birds—each has an independent body, but they think and move as one mind. Most of the “sheeple” inhabiting Earth fall into this category; large groups of humans have independent bodies, but share a group soul. Of course, New Age dogma speaks of “soul groups,” but curiously leaves out this rather obvious connection, preferring to treat it as “traveling buddies.”
This opens up some interesting thoughts regarding space travel. All food plants and food animals work by soul groups, so if they were removed from Earth to stock an aeroponics/hydroponics bay on Earthship Ark, they could not survive past the length of the silver cord connecting them back to the planet. Go too far and you get a mass extinction event in your food supply.
Most humans fall into the same “bound by group soul” category, but there are a few nonconformists that just don’t fit into socially acceptable society and have individuated souls. However, given the obsession with materialism and ever-dropping interest in spiritual development (until somebody comes up with an “app” for it), individuated souls have become a rare occurrence. A century ago, individuation was actually the direction mankind was headed with the change occurring around 1925 with the discovery of the “germanium triode tube” by one T. Henry Moray of Salt Lake City, Utah, uSA. Curiously, he was denied a patent for the device because his “tube,” being a solid state transistor device, lacked a filament and hot cathode. And everybody knows a tube cannot work without a hot cathode! Or at least that’s what the patent office said.
The “harder” life of the old days promoted the growth of an individuated soul. If you were not being a good slave for the King of your domain, you had to learn to survive on your own—and that lack of reliance on others triggers the process of individuation. This may also explain why outcasts tend to have strong spirits—they have an individuated body and mind, providing the foundation for the spirit/animus complex to grow on. If you are part of the collective, then it is like trying to stand upright with one foot on land and the other on the surface of water. In the astronaut situation, that would definitely result in a splashdown.
The L-Ms, however, do not seem to have this issue because they have outgrown the group mind and evolved the Social Memory Complex. Think of the group mind as a “many to one” relationship, many bodies, with one mind that is the master. In the SMC, the relation is “many to many” that choose to work together in rapport—the “one” is the choice, not the structure.

The L-M Version of Seinfeld
The L-Ms can leave the planet and explore the Universe because they take their personal souls with them. Since they use natural “motherships,” their Arks being constructed from moons and asteroids that are supernova remnants, they have a fully functional, ready-made environment that supports both body, soul and spirit, complete with a local, temporal core—the “inner sun” of these portable planets. They aren’t “crew” on these Arks, they are more like colonists, taking what they need with them, including the life support system. As such, they can travel for unlimited periods across space (particularly since there is evidence that the natural aging process stops once you leave the surface world).
Many New Age sources state that the Earth is in some kind of quarantine that traps mankind here on the world and it is the desire of the New World Order and The Powers That Be to break this quarantine and head out to conquer space, just like in all the old Sci-Fi films.
What is being uncovered has led to the conclusion that this quarantine is a natural consequence of the evolution of consciousness, existing to prevent undeveloped species from getting too far from home until they learn to grow up and play together, nicely. I don’t know about you, but from my perspective, humanity appears to be heading in the opposite direction.
But the really big consequence is that all these “secret space programs” are nothing more than propaganda. Those on the inside know that the Apollo program was just a Hollywood production filmed at Area 51 (Project ASP, Apollo Simulation Program) and the astronauts never went further than Earth orbit, so they could have an appropriate splashdown for the TV cameras. The rest was filmed on a sound stage ahead of time and edited in for the “live broadcast.” It is starting to appear that the situation is much larger than just the faked moon landings—most of the spacecraft sent out into the solar system were probably faked, as well, and what we are seeing for “hi-res images” from these ships are nothing more than good computer graphics, modeled after images taken from Earth and orbit-based telescopes.
There is some evidence that a few astronauts may have visited other worlds in our solar system, but they would have to have special training in ethics and psychology to get over the soul connection issue, which a dedicated explorer would probably have. Man can exist on the Moon, as it is “within range.” Ever since the Philadelphia Project, the black ops folks have known that you cannot just grab anyone off the street and send them into time and space—only a very small part of the population can do it and usually requires someone with developed psionic skills.
Of our extra-planetary missions, the only ones I’ve seen viable evidence for are:
The Nazi scientist orbital mission in the Haunebu (1930s) that was intercepted by a race of peaceful explorers before the ship was destroyed (from design flaws) and the occupants given a little tour of the Universe before being returned. Their enlightenment resulted in their sabotaging the Nazi spacecraft program.
One manned trip to the Moon in a Bellcraft (the re-engineered Haunebu) in the late 1950s, where humanity met with the Selenites and were told mankind was not welcome there and “don’t call us, we’ll call you.” In reprisal, the United States proposed Project A119—the “let’s blow up the moon” project, abandoned in 1959 as unfeasible.
- One unmanned probe to Mars in 1962 as a joint project between the United States and Russia, with assistance from Germany, England and France.
While at Montauk, I was recruited into their version of the Psi-Corps (popularized on Babylon 5, a far better show than Big Bang Theory) because they were actively seeking technical people with engineering and computer skills that possessed psionic ability, whom could be developed and enhanced to their needs. I never got far enough into the program to discover their ultimate objectives, but getting past the quarantine may well have been one of them.
So our world leaders, rather than saying to humanity, “hey, we’re all trapped here until we grow up,” then get caught with their hands in the “Idiocracy jar,” decided to fake it and distort astronomical data to make the universe huge and unreachable by man in the foreseeable future. Convert the nearby solar systems (that are light days away) into galaxies, far, far away, then deny contact from these other, nearby civilizations because it is “scientifically impossible” for them to get here, just like a Moray patent application. So here we sit, kicking sand in each other’s faces because we feel cut off, alone and isolated from the rest of the Universe.
Right now we are cut off, and you have your illustrious leaders to thank for that with their S-M technology and chemtrail screens. But hey, you voted for them, even if you didn’t vote, because silence is consent. At least that is what it says in the Uniform Commercial Code that runs every aspect of our legal lives. Perhaps we should change the name of the planet to Ferenginar.
In summary, what has turned up is that the limits of mankind’s collective silver cord, the link that bonds his body and soul into a living organism, has a physical extent that is just outside the orbit of the Moon. But the NWO types wanted the Moon to themselves and as a consequence, after making first contact with the Selenite civilizations, got thrown off and told not to come back. And there is nowhere else to go at this time, except the space stations that corporations like Bigelow Aerospace are putting so much effort into.
Mankind can bark his brains out at the other, nearby worlds from here, but it’s all bark and no bite, since he cannot get his weapons of destruction past the natural limits of the Earth-Moon system. Man is not yet a threat to the peaceful explorers and will not encounter them until he learns to “cut his chains” that tie him to the species collective, which must be done by conscious evolution—the opposite direction that The Powers That Be are leading the species. And The Powers That Be don’t like being trapped, particularly when they know the entire solar system is evolving, the sun is getting larger and hotter and things will be changing. So they’ve got their underground bases, space stations and chemical screens to block off the natural path to evolution—and we, the humble peasants, are paying the price for it. Unless the peasants are revolting, and to these NWO types, they certainly are.
If you consider this situation, it is no wonder they enforce all these artificial boundaries of countries, nations, states, counties, districts… fences for the minions, so the “one” of the one-to-many relationship, the “big magnet,” themselves, can make all the decisions. Though something they may not have considered is that if they don’t take enough slaves with them when they go into hiding, there may not be sufficient bioenergy to keep the group mind functioning—and they won’t survive, either. We have seen species extinctions before when the population size reaches a low point, and I cannot see why that “law of Nature” would omit mankind. But I live in hope.
There may come a time soon that True Seekers may feel that they “lose their soul,” but in reality, they are just cutting their chains—getting ready for the next stage of evolution, the Tomorrow People, homo sapiens ethicus, ready to individuate from the Annunaki-created human collective and move out into space to join the peaceful explorers of the Universe. But understand it is not a handout—you have to work for your evolution. “Hope porn” is every bit as bad as “fear porn.”