Part 5 of the Anthropology Series on the “Hidden Origins of Homo Sapiens”
Grab your pickax and miner’s helmet and prepare to start digging through this paper, from the upper atmosphere down the core of the planet–and out the other side into the realm of 3D time. Discover the true nature of planetary interiors and the worlds that are hidden inside and beyond–all as a “natural consequence” of the structure of the universe.
This lengthy paper (44 pages) was two years in the making, focusing on the colonization of our world (originally known as Tiamat) by two, different races of extraterrestrials: the Cyclopeans (a term used by research George Hunt Williamson to describe a race of giants that existed prior to the Gods, discussed in Part IV of the Colonization of Tiamat) and the DINGAR, the Titan ancestors of the ANNUNA and ANNUNAKI–the modern “gods” of religion.
This paper includes many tidbits and gems, from the deliberately hidden mathematics of time, the land of the Little People and the actual location of Lemuria–no where near where you think it is! So, “ho ho ho” and let’s go…
Part 4 of the Anthropology Series on the “Hidden Origins of Homo Sapiens” by -daniel
Somewhere along the line, that which is true is being made to appear false, because that which is false is accepted as truth. —Dewey Larson
click to download The Colonization of Tiamat pdf
Following on from the excellent Homo Sapiens Ethicus, where daniel ended with a quick review of the evolution of the species and the “intervention” upon our world by three major groups of extraterrestrial visitors; the Cyclopeans, Titans and Annunaki, part 4 of the Anthropology Series goes into more detail about the hidden history of Homo Sapiens on Tiamat, now known as Earth.
In order to advance forward you need to learn from the past but with history usually being written by the winners and countless eons of scientific misinterpretation, disinformation, fraud and hidden agenda’s to deal with, it’s almost impossible to learn the real history of the third rock from the sun.
But the clues are there, in our mythology, in our folklore, in the shaving foam and whiskers spiraling down the bathroom sink hole!
This latest paper goes some way towards solving the mystery of our origins and a little problem with the Hubble Space Telescope by showing that once again “everything we know is wrong”.
It’s important to remember the following:
The substance of the universe is not matter, but motion, an abstract ratio of change that we call space/time.
Faster-than-light speeds are commonplace; the rule, not the exception.
Astronomers have everything backwards; stars begin their life as red giants and end it as blue giants exploding in a supernovae galaxies.
The geological dating system is based on a false premise; things are much younger than stated by geologists. Correlations are missed because of this, such as the Biblical appearance of Adam and Eve coinciding with the sudden appearance of Cro-Magnon man.
Anthropology became the study of how to hide the true origins of homo sapiens. Fact is, we are the new kids on the block, and the story is much bigger before we came around.
What I love about the ongoing RS2 research, which builds on Dewey B. Larson’s Reciprocal System of physical theory, is how it continues to provide a much more satisfactory explanation for how the world really works compared to the current mainstream understanding of science.
Mainstream science doesn’t take into account 3D time (the 19th century concept of aether) and I often wonder what kind of world we would live in if they did and the work of people like James Clerk Maxwell and Nicola Tesla had not been conveniently covered up…
So get ready for a hidden history lesson you won’t forget, brought to you by Barney and his new Rubble Space Telescope!
Hey Fred! I think astronomers got it all inside-out, backwards and the wrong scale! BARNEY! Stop reading daniel’s papers!!!
When I first read this seemingly crazy information coming down from the Rubble Space Telescope to Einstone College, I thought to myself-has daniel completely lost it?
I mean really? This turns everything upside down and inside out!
Then I thought about it….upside down & inside out–yeah, turns out that is exactly how reciprocal things work! Hmmm… this answers all the questions, and fills all the gaps the main-streamers have been brushing under the rug for centuries.
Check the evidence yourself – might ol’ daniel just be right…?
click the image of Albert Einstone below to download the paper:
The Colonization of Tiamat: Part 4 of the Anthropology series
Introducing Part 3 of in the “Hidden Origin of Homo Sapiens” by –daniel
click to download Home Sapiens Ethicus pdf
Perhaps this paper should be sub-titled as “The Holodeck Handbook”, because it really provides a great tutorial once one realizes that “all experience” that is perceived, is in fact a “projection” our your unconscious choice of experience as part of your conscious evolution. It’s not “right or wrong“, but rather have you “learned & earned” enough from your holodeck experiences to choose “End Program”.
To my knowledge, this is the most comprehensive work I’ve read, dealing with the concepts of Life, Death, Reincarnation, and Ascension, and is certainly appropriate as part of this series. For me, whats really amazing is that we can finally see and define these things as tangibles that have specific roles in the fabric of life and conscience experience– and not just mythological concepts that are disregarded as fantasy.
When we understand the reciprocal relationship of the Body, Mind, and Spirit, as well as the energy types and realms that integrate with these, things really start to fall into place.
As daniel points out in this paper, most people have difficulty “hoping off” one side of the coin. Have to find the edge and to take a peek at both sides–No longer a leap of “faith!”
I would imagine that all honest people working towards the common good of our race would appreciate and even invite questioning because they would not want to hide anything, they would want to get their facts as accurate as possible, and they would want to adapt to anything new they learn in order to get closer to their end-result goals of making a positive impact on humankind.
I’ve always questioned daniel but not with the purpose of doubting in the credibility of his findings but with the purpose of trying to make a picture of what exactly is going on. We all have different perspectives, experiences, and ways of getting to answers. The more angles we cover a subject with, the clearer the picture. I would say daniel is pretty good at showing different angles of a picture. My questioning is usually with regard to a single angle here or there but no amount of questioning changes what’s really going on.
DW seems to focus on certain angles of the same picture that others do not feel comfortable with. In fact, some of those angles, we would even think of as blindspots, not perspectives. But perhaps if we’ve been in DW’s shoes, walked his walk, we would understand him better. What we say and do isn’t always a product of the here and now, but more often it is our past that is speaking and acting out in the present. I’ve found a lot of practical value from what I’ve learned from DW, and what I can’t use, I simply don’t pay attention to much. However valid or invalid his angle is. The only stuff that matters is what has practical use to us.
I think we all share an ideal, and that ideal is the tangible achieved maturity of the human race. We might not agree on how to get there, or what we need to get there, but we know for a fact that we can only do it:
1. Together
2. With open eyes and open minds
3. With work
Its interesting to me that even anyone that buys into some external savior or some big event, are always doing stuff to try to improve themselves – like meditating. But only being focussed on self is dangerous, we know where that leads.
But there’s a very fine difference between fluffy pink unicorns riding on rainbows and practical idealism. In practical idealism (which I understand daniel applies?), one looks at endless possibilities(goals, ideals), looks at what stops us from achieving them (obstacles), looks at how to achieve them(pathway), and does something about it. And as soon as anyone does something about anything, they find that no one can do it alone.
Practical idealism sets a vision on the future but realizes that cooperation is key – and everything required to make cooperation work.
A proper philosophy is one of understanding dependence and its place (like children growing up), understanding independence and its place (a mature adult), and understanding interdependency and its place (e.g. a family, organization, group working together).
Inproper understanding of dependence leads to irresponsibility and abdication of one’s willpower and ability to contribute (like how religion enslaves people), inproper understanding of independence leads to self-centered thinking and in the extreme violent rebellion. Interdependence isn’t understood when perverted into co-dependence where there is just a constant down-spiral.
I don’t think DW is at a stage where there’s inproper understanding of anything of the above. Yes many of us feel that there’s a lot more practical value that DW can contribute, but in the end, he is contributing, he is helping, and he’s working hard to do it. In the end, its people’s own responsibility to know where to draw lines and when to move on to something more useful for them in their personal journey. But many people aren’t ready for that yet and DW is a great source of food for those people.
Even myself I’m struggling to digest some of the stuff here. I like to hear facts and new perspectives on things, but I need hope more. If it feels like something takes away my hope, I really dislike it. But its important to know when my hope is in something false, because there’s only one thing worse than having no hope – and that’s putting hope in something false. Unfortunately, one cannot discover false hope without the willingness to lose and let go of that hope.
How many people are ready for that? If we’ve even got people here that feels like this, imagine the masses. Its too much to handle.
Hope sells better. Especially easy hope.
But its harder to sell a hope thats not easy. Its harder to sell hope in cooperation. Hope in rapport.
The reason we can’t progress as a human race without rapport is because we are interdependent in many ways. But how many humans even understand interdependence? How many humans will have the ability to recognize what the point of rapport is? Most humans simply want to focus on independence. On freedom.
“don’t sell me hope if i have to work for it, because that implies I’m not independent. I want to be independent.”
We have a long way to go to our golden age. I don’t think its around the corner anymore.
I decided to write this short intro as daniel’s next paper is published for all to see. This is one of my favorites so far because its written so well, is funny, and has very little ‘tech talk” in it which makes it really comprehensible to us lay persons.
I can’t speak for the rest of you, but one thing that stands out to me is that nearly everything I interact with today whether its media, internet articles, videos, interviews, tv,etc…is so blatantly wrong! For me, this is because it all has a huge gaping (w)HOLE that is missing! I call this gaping (w)hole, the missing “half” of all context.
I say this because everything we come into interaction with is tainted, flawed, and perverted with only “half” of the correct information or context. So really, its only “half” of the whole.
The missing half of the context I am talking about is the fundamental thing that daniel writes about in all of his papers, the aspect of Motion that exists as the basis of all physics, and that Motion is the reciprocal interaction of Time and Space. Together!
So whats the problem? Everything we interact with is based only in the context of Space, and does not acknowledge or comprehend that Time is the other half of reality. What I mean is, time and space work together in unison to create the “whole” of reality” as motion. Each is “half of the whole”, which is why everything we know is wrong! (from the main stream point of view) Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with recognizing Space for what it is and its role in the whole of reality, but the problem arises when the universe is defined without the other “half of the whole”, which is Time.
Its a wonder why more people aren’t awakened to this deception. Why is everyone just walking along clueless like the poor chump in the cartoon above, oblivious to the missing half of reality? Well, that’s the kicker! This is being done quite intentionally so you won’t trip and fall into the gaping (w)hole of your own awareness!
You see, when you deny Time and its role in universal reality, you also deny and prohibit access to all the things that exist within time. One very important aspect that exists in time, is your extra sensory perceptions (ESP) of psychic ability. The NWO/NWR have great fear that you will discover this missing aspect of your ability.
Why? Because access to your temporal existence and psychic abilities would transcend any mind control, or deception that anyone or any ET could attempt to control you with.
In a couple of days I will write a Part 2 to this intro about the missing half of Time, and include a table cheat sheet I am working on that helps me remember several underlying contexts that usually evade most people.
Without further ado, here is daniel’s great new paper of:
New World Religion-Enslaving the Human Spirit with a Blue Beam
Part 1 of the Anthropology Series on the Hidden Origin of Homo Sapiens
Here is the first installment of daniel’s research into Anthropology, dealing with the hidden origins of homo sapiens. Daniel tells me this is the first in a series of papers explaining the misconceptions of modern science resulting from their habit of getting things backwards… as daniel likes to comment of his own learning experiences, “everything we know is wrong.”
Daniel of course, is not the only researcher out there observing and challenging the status quo of the establishment’s version of history, physics, and scientific academia. In fact, many others are starting down this path in search of the factual and provable truth which have been purposefully and intricately hidden from nearly all of humanity for millennia.
For me personally, this is yet another eye opening piece that sheds more light on the path in front of me, as I continue on my journey and discovery of just how much Everything We Know is Wrong. I learned a long time ago that people do not “wake up” from being told the facts or having the map laid out in front of them; they awaken from the discovery of the facts and the map along the path. And daniel dumps one heck of a map on us to discover, with this update to how we view history.
What if we are not hundreds of thousands of years Old, but instead discover that we, human beings, are less than 6,000 years Young? Hmm, crazy right? Well perhaps NOT so crazy after all. What if the Earth is not an old gal, hitting her 4.7 billionth birthday? Backwards astronomy, backwards age… we’re actually the new kid on the block, with a civilization that is getting ready to move out of their parent’s basement and take on a Universe.
Our true history is the needle and the past is the haystack. If you wanted to “Hide History in the Past”, a 4.47 billion year-old haystack is one, HUGE haystack! Now what if the haystack was not four and a half billion years, but rather a few hundred thousand years young?
If you are like me, and ready to tackle the tiny haystack to find our needle, let us lock arms together, once again, and take it from the beginning with:
Discovering just how Young our Solar System, Earth, and History are
Correcting and Correlating history to a timeline where science, religion and mythology all match up
The events creating the solar system matching the Dominance of Gods
Adam & Eve as the first Cro-Magnons
Destructions of Atlantis matching up with the Hebrew Exodus and the Deluge
The stuff planets are made of—and how they behave in a solar system
After several months of contemplation, I have decided to change the name and url address of this blog to instead of
This blog is now intended as a hosting and publishing platform of the –daniel papers and other continuing advancements, modifications and development of reciprocal system theories.
As we continue with our series of “the daniel papers”, we now come to the publishing and release of “EDsETs”. In this paper we discover some of basics of what are extra dimensional and extra terrestrial beings and how they do what they do. We will need all of our previously learned knowledge contained within the Time and Timelines paper, as well as having our thinking caps firmly affixed to our craniums to continue on this journey of discovery. This paper is once again “awe inspiring” and leaves you with a sense of peace and also excitement as you realize the scope of the abilities we are moving into on our natural path of ascension, and for us the new frontier into the awareness and explorations of the temporal landscape!
click to download EDsETs pdf
NEW FORUM! daniel and I have decided to create a new FORUM here that will serve as a collective Think Tank and network hub for serious discussions of these topics and research, but also as an invitation to other “Uncommitted Investigators” out there who are willing to share there knowledge and research in an open format.
Take a walk with me as we embark on a journey into understanding geoengineering, chemtrails, HAARP, timelines, and the “science of ascension”.
The beginning of the paper is bit difficult as a layman trying to get your head around some of the physics concepts, BUTquickly past this, everything falls into place with jaw dropping revelations of”physics” as not what our so called experts have told us, but rather the complete opposite and identified here by the “reciprocal system of theory”. Everything we know about how stars work is backwards. Hell, everythingweknow is BACKWARDS!
Discover what’s happening with our Sun, and as a natural consequence the critical hard choice of humanity’s collective. Shall we evolve into Homo Sapien Ethicus (ethical consciousness), or continue to devolve to just plain Homo Saps….. (brain dead couch potatoes)
Click to download Geoengineering pdf
UPDATE RELEASED: Time and Timelines, where we continue our journey into the understanding of the reciprocal relationship of space and time. We learn that by understanding “coordinate time“, we begin to realize how this works and how navigation through such relates too but differentiates as “Clock Time & Clock Space”.
We also begin to understand what is:
•Precognition is nothing more than seeing something in the distance, in the temporal landscape.
•Telepathy is two people standing next to each other in time chatting, regardless of how far apart they are in space.
•Telekinesis is just manipulating the temporal component of an object with your temporal arm, and watching how “time changes space.”
•Clairvoyance is a pair of temporal binoculars.
•Clairaudience is yelling down the street at someone in the temporal landscape.
•Clairalience is a barbecue in the temporal neighborhood.